Wednesday, 28 September 2011

online jobs

Your Guide to Earn Money Online via doing Data Entry, Copywriting etc Jobs

Earn Money Online
Do you want to make $3000+ per month easily? Via doing simple jobs like copywriting, data entry, typing, online form filling, programming, SEO and etc?
No InvestmentIf yes, then carry on and read this freelance tutorial. You will learn the easiest and 100% legitimate way to earn lot of cash using internet.
Working at freelance sites is the best and easiest way to earn legitimate money on the internet. You are your own Boss: work whenever you want to. Most importantly, it is 100% Free to join.
Note: To get the mentioned jobs, you will never pay any money from your pocket EVER.
Please don't stop Reading... You want to earn money online right? Via 100% Free and Legal/Legit way? So all I ask is to read the content on this page and at the end, you will know about the Best available opportunity. Thousands of users are making their living online: You can become one of them : ) Or you can earn some extra money whenever you have some spare time
How much money can you earn via doing these online jobs?
Well earning $3000+ per month is surely possible: why you ask? Well because I myself have earned this much via doing copywriting and data entry jobs. I prefer only copywriting as the pay is very good [compared to data entry].
Data entry is a good option to choose if you cannot do any other job. Different jobs require us to have different kinds of skills. Like for programming work, one needs to have knowledge of different kinds of languages like PHP, ASP, .NET etc.
If a person has no skill in any field then he can do data entry jobs: as this work requires no Skill or Experience of any kind. If you can operate a PC then you can do this work.
This work does pay less compared to copywriting and other jobs but one can still earn some decent amount of money.
All sites, which are mentioned in this guide, have a great freelancing market especially the first two. Hundreds of online jobs are posted at these sites every day.
Is it free to join?
Well yes, it is 100% free to join. But there are some differences between these websites. I will explain them later and I will also explain the difference between data entry and copywriting jobs.
To make money at these sites you need to invest some Time. You will not invest any money. The only thing that you will be investing is some of Your Time.
What do you mean by Investing Time? And how will it effect the amount of money that I can earn?
If you want to make a living online then you will have to spend 8 or more hours at these sites.
On the other hand, if you only want to earn some extra cash, that is via doing part time online jobs, then you can do work whenever you have some spare time. You can work for few hours on the weekends or you can work for an hour or so on business days [after your full time day job is over].
The time that you will invest is Very Important: don't think that there is any online opportunity where you can earn money without doing any work. Anyone who wishes to make a living via these sites should be prepared to work for 10 or so hours every day: And when it comes to the Beginning of one's freelancing career, he has to work Really Hard in order to gain Ratings [I will explain more later].
In the beginning the goal is to win Your first Project.
And note that it is VERY difficult [but not impossible] to win the 1st project. There are so many things to learn. But do not get disappointed as you will only work hard at the beginning. Slowly, you will start to enjoy this work. New comers will work more and will earn less but after few days or few weeks, the opposite will happen: that is: you will work less and will make much more money : )
Please bear with me... You will learn everything. All I ask is that you carefully and patiently read this guide.
Working at freelance sites is the best option for home staying Moms to make money online: You can stay at home with your children and make cash Without any kind of Investment
I shall now show you the link to the Best and Top freelancing site on the internet.
Note: Please open this link in a separate windows and carry on reading this guide. It is a complete freelance tutorial that contains lot of tips for the New Comers.
Before talking about this site in detail, I would like to explain another important thing via a simple example. Assume that you go to a shop to buy a PC Keyboard. The shopkeeper shows you four different keyboards.
All four are made by different companys and have a totally different QUALITY. Which one would you prefer to buy? If you ask me, I will definitely go for the best Quality. And to get the best, I will need to pay some price? I mean I will have to pay More Money for buying the best quality product compared to the money which I need to pay to buy a cheap product: right?
Now just like this, some freelancing sites have a better Quality compared to other sites in the same business. EL is a freelance site that, no doubt, have the best Quality. And to get any job at EL, you will need to pay a price. WAIT: I don't mean that you will pay Money: you will have to pay the price in the form of putting Effort in completing your Profile.
Still don't understand what I mean ? : )
Don't worry, you will understand everything
In order to Apply for Jobs at EL and other freelance sites, you need to get an account. At other sites, you can get an account in just few minutes. You can then start to apply for different jobs but at Elance, you may need to spend some more time to get a fully activated account.
Now are you Serious about making money online or you are just passing by and checking if you can earn some Quick Cash via doing no work?
Remember that there are no Shortcuts: In order to earn money online, you will have to do lot of work, especially at the start. Whether you want to do this as a part time or full time job, hard work will be required in both cases.
Now if you are a serious customer then you should be ok in spending a little time in getting an account at Elance right?
EL is the best in this business: Keep that in mind.
Now let us see how hard it is to get a fully activated account at EL : )
The first step is the easiest of all: simply Sign-Up. Note: users who want to get online jobs are called "Contractor". You want to earn money via doing work for other people right? So you are a contractor. People who will give you work are called Employers.
IMPORTANT: Remember to sign-up for a Correct Account. Many users select to register as an Employer instead of a Contractor. They waste lot of their time in figuring out why they are not able to get any job : )
Elance and other sites make design changes quite often: In the current design, there are two places where you may get confused and select the wrong account type. The link which I have included above, will land you on EL where you will be able to see this[Figure 1]:
You can see in this image where you should and should not click. Just remember that you are Not an Employer
Some users try to navigate in the site before they start the registration process. Some of them land on the Homepage where I currently see this[Figure 2]:
There is one other way to sign-up. At the Top-Right hand side of all pages, you can see [Figure 3]:
If you click on Register, you will then see Figure 4:
Make sure that you select the Correct Account.
After clicking on the correct signup link, you will then see a page where Four different Memberships are available.
Select to Register under the BASIC Membership account. [This is the Free membership.]
After that, you will see a Simple Form. Fill in all the information and then click on Join EL
After you complete the registration process you will then have to create your Profile. Please note that you have to create a Decent looking Profile. EL is a professional site so contractors need to be professional too, right? Take your time in creating a good looking profile. You will need to fill-in information in the following form[Figure 5]:
It is also a pretty much simply form. Write in detail about your Experience [If Any]. Show your Qualifications/Degrees [If Any]. Write other detail about yourself: write whether you are working alone or you have a team. Mention whether you are working fulltime online or you are doing this work as part time job...
In the Keywords box you can write about the specific fields/categories in which you are interested to work. For example you can write these keywords: Data Entry, Copywriting, Form Filling etc...
During the registration process or during completing the steps to create your profile, you will also have to choose a Category. THIS IS IMPORTANT. You can only apply for jobs in the category which you will select in your profile. Do not select the wrong category. For example, choose Writing and Translation category if you want to do copywriting jobs.
If you want to do data entry jobs then choose this category: Admin Support
How many categories can a Free Member choose?
Only ONE.
So it means that I can either do data entry or copywriting jobs and can't do both?
The answer is Yes and also No. Free members can only choose one category so they cannot do both data entry and writing work at the same time. Where PAID members can select more than one categories so they can select both these categories.
Can I change my Category?
Yes, but only Once in a Month.
Choose the correct category to avoid any problems.
Now let us talk about the last step in completing your profile. Look at Figure 6:
This is the point where lot of users lose interest in working at EL : )
You need to pass a Admission Test. This is NOT a Difficult Task. Passing this test is very easily if you are willing to do some research. Just note that you only have limited chances to pass this test so do little research before attempting this test.
Verifying your Phone Number is simple.
Simply click on Verify Your Phone Number and then click on Continue. Make sure that you have entered the correct Phone Number in your profile. You will then receive an Automated Call. This process is simple but you can only verify your phone number if you have already pass the Admission Test.
Keep in mind that you only have limited chances to pass this test. All you need to do is to do some research. You can even do this research While Taking the Test : )
Simply open the Help Section at Elance and then start the test.
Read the Question carefully and then answer it if you know the answer or quickly search the Help section to get the answer. I suggest you open the Contractor Guide at Elance and open another window with Elance Main Help site [the main page has a Search Box]
First try to find the answer in the Contractor's Guide: in case you cannot find the answer then open the other window and search for the answer in Elance Help database.
There are 10 questions in total and passing percentage is 80.
You can easily pass this test. Just carefully read this guide and then follow the steps which I have mention.
I suggest you take Screenshots of all questions or write down the questions for which you cannot find a definite answer. In case you fail in the first attempt then look at all the questions that were asked. Search in Elance database and try to find the answer. If you fail to find a answer then you are welcome to ask for help in our forum.
If you really are serious in joining this professional site and you are willing to spend some time in learning about EL then passing this test will not be a problem.
Once you pass the test and verify your phone number, you can then start to look for jobs. Remember that you are a new comer and have to compete with other users. Some of these other users will have HIGH RATINGs. So don't lose Hope and Do Not Give Up
In order to apply for a job, you will need to submit a Proposal. At many freelance sites, proposals are known as BIDS
Take a look at Figures 7 and 8:
These pictures show the required fields that you need to fill-in to submit a proposal. In the Top/First box, write the detail. Try to understand the work which you are required to do in the given job. For example, if the job requires you to write 10 articles about Gardening then to show the Employer that you are a Serious Contender, you can write a 100 or so words sample on the given topic and include it in the said box.
Don't just paste a sample: First write something else like: Hello, I am a new contractor but I can assure you that I will do the given work accurately and within the given time period. I just wrote a sample for you on the topic you mentioned...
You need to IMPRESS the Employer.
At the bottom of Figure 7, you can see two boxes: you just need to use the first one only. This box says "My Earnings". In this box, you will enter the amount of money for which you are willing to complete the given work.
As you are a new comer and have no RATINGs, therefore I suggest you agree to work for lowest rates.
WHAT, the lowest price? Why?
Well, what do you expect : ) ?
You are a New Comer. So you have to do work for the lowest rates.
How can you get a project for higher rates when there are many other people applying for the same project? And they may have high ratings too:
This seems to be a good time to tell you about the Importance of Ratings/Feedbacks
All freelance sites have a rating/feedback system. When a person completes a job, he/she then gets a rating/feedback. The more projects you do, the more ratings/feedbacks will you get.
The more ratings/feedbacks a person have, the more money he/she will earn. Users with High Ratings get work for higher rates as Buyers Trust Them.
Ratings/feedbacks are part of freelancer’s reputation. As you are a new user and you don’t have any ratings therefore you should go for the lowest price.
Remember: more good ratings = more jobs for you.
So in the beginning, your first goal is to Earn Excellent Ratings and for this you need to Win Your First Project.
Importance of Communication with Buyers
Communication with buyers is the most important part. Without proper communication, your chances of winning a project are almost zero. You can use Workroom Messages to communicate with Employers.
IMPORTANT: In Elance, you cannot start a conversation with Employers. In order to communicate with an employer, you first need to submit a proposal and then you need to wait for him to start a Conversation. After you receive a message, you can then communicate with him via WorkRoom.
To send a reply, Click on the Elance logo, that you will see at the very top-left hand side. Here you can see a list of jobs where you have submitted a proposal. With each job, you can see a Envelope like icon/button. To view the message which Employer has sent you or to reply, you can click on this envelope icon. This will open the Messaging Center in your Workroom.
Remember that as you will gain ratings, you will start to earn more and more.
In Figure 8, you can see an option to mention the Milestone. This is just like Escrow: I suggest you leave this for now. First earn a rating and then worry about using this option. You can also see an option to choose Delivery Time. Choose an approximate time in which you can complete the work. The last option can be used to place your proposal at the top of all other proposals. I suggest you do not use this option as you do not have lot of Connects.
What are Connects?
Please read the guides in the EL Category which I have mentioned above.
After you open the project description page, you should first read the description of the project. Make sure that you can complete the described work.
Important: You have to make sure that you can complete the work. You have to be 100% sure about it. In order to be successful at freelance sites, you need to earn excellent ratings: and in case you fail to complete a project, then you will get a Bad rating. One bad rating can pretty much end the freelance career for a new comer.
[Update: Don't make a very common mistake of bidding on projects where you are not sure what job is required to be done. Sometimes new comers start to submit proposals on different projects without reading and understanding the project description. Some of them think that if they get the Unknown Job, they will simply search about it on the internet and will then learn everything about the job in a quick time. This behavior is commonly seen as a result of Frustration or Carelessness. Please keep in mind that if you win a project that you cannot complete in the given time period, then you will get a Bad Rating. After that, no one will give you any work.]
After Elance, oDesk is the other site which is very professional. If I start to write in detail about this website too then you would have to read 1000+ more words : )
If you are able to join EL and pass the admission test then you can join any freelance site without any problem. You should join EL and OD. Both these sites are of high quality. Joining 2 freelance sites will help you learn more and will increase the chances of you getting your first job quicker.
What payment options are available?
There are many payment options available at freelance sites.
You can select MoneyBookers [MB] or Paypal . Other payment options are not as cheap and safe as these two.
If you live in a country where Paypal is not supported then you can use MoneyBookers to transfer money to your bank account. It’s cheap and safe:
[Note: if you are living in a Country where MB is also not supported, like in Nigeria, then please use the Payoneer Debit Card option]
It’s not difficult to create an account at Moneybookers, however adding bank accounts can [sometimes] create problems. Once you verify the address and name, and add a bank account: you will then receive your money with just one click.
After you create an account at Moneybookers: go to the Profile page and click on Address. You need to verify your postal address in order to enable your MB account for withdrawals.
I personally made the mistake of not verifying my address at the time of creating my MB account. After I transferred my money from a freelancing site to MB, I tried to withdraw the money to my bank account.
Unfortunately, it was then, I found about address verification. My withdrawal was processed 40 days late because of this small mistake of not verifying my postal address when I first created my account.
Anyway, after you click on the verify Postal address button, Moneybookers will send a letter to your postal address which will contain a code. Use this code to verify your account.
[Please note that this verification letter can take up to 45 days to reach you: time varies depending on the country where you live]
After address verification, you have to enter your bank account information.
You will first transfer your money from freelance sites to your MB account and then you will transfer this money to your bank account. The whole process can take up to 14 days.
The real problem is that, you can’t use [just] any bank accounts with Moneybookers. You will need to have an account in a bank which is directly connected to SWIFT Network.
How to find out if a bank is connected to the SWIFT network or not?
The easiest way of finding whether your bank is connected to SWIFT or not, is to call your bank and ask them to give you their Swift Code.
If they have a SWIFT code, then go to your Moneybookers account and try to enter your bank account information. In case MB fails to accept your Bank account information: then it will mean that your bank is indirectly connected to SWIFT network (Not good).
If your bank account is not directly connected to SWIFT network, then go to SWIFT Directory and try to search for a bank in your city, which is directly connected to the SWIFT Network and which is nearest to where you live.
After that, you will have to go to that bank to create a new bank account. After you get a new account, enter its information in your profile at MB.
First you will request the freelancing site(s) to transfer your money to MB, then you will request Moneybookers to send these funds to your bank account. After few days, you will finally receive your funds.
[Update: I recently tried to withdraw money from MB and I got a message to verify my Name too. For that, Moneybookers sent $15 to my bank account. I then went to my bank and got a SWIFT Transaction copy of this 15 dollars withdrawal. I scanned the document and sent it to MB via their website. MB then verified my Name/Account within 24 hours. So you may also get this Name verification message anytime]
I do not know much about Paypal as it is not yet supported in my country. If you live in Pakistan or any other country where Paypal is not yet supported then you will have to use MB.
Paypal and Moneybookers have made it so easy for people doing online jobs at freelancing sites to receive their money. You just need an account at any of these payment processors and then with just few clicks, you will receive the funds in your bank account within few days.
Here is the link to the Third freelancing site.
[NOTE: For The Option "Account Type", Choose "Programmer" NOT "Buyer"]
SL is the third best freelancing site. You may not be able to find lots of jobs here but it is still a decent site
SL and the last freelance site have lot in common. I have explained in detail below.
NOTE: If you want to follow my suggestion and want to join ONLY Elance, oDesk and maybe Scriptlance too, and Do Not want to read more about other sites, then you can Skip the next detailed explanation of SL and GAF, and you can jump to the last few Tips. To skip the next explanation, Please go here: Tips
Here is the link to last freelancing site:
For all new comers, my suggestion is to start your freelance career at Elance and oDesk. Anyone who likes to join another site should join Scriptlance and then the last option for you is GAF.
Registration process at GAF and SL is very simple. Within few minutes, you will get an active account.
REMEMBER : You need to enter professional looking information in all fields of your profile: people [most of them] will see your profile first before they decide to give you any work. So make a decent looking profile.
[Update: GAF has changed the rules and now we can only place bids on jobs that are posted in the categories which we will select in our profile. So, in your profile under the heading “Qualifications”, choose all the categories in which you are interested.
For example: if you have selected the data entry category in your profile and have not selected the copywriting category then you will only be able to bid on data entry projects.
Don’t worry: you can change/edit your profile/qualifications at any time but remember that there are only limited numbers of categories that we can choose and there are limited numbers of times, in each month, when we can edit our qualifications.]
GAF is trying to make lot of changes in their site: they are trying to catch up with other freelancing sites. However, making so many changes can create problems for users. In this Regard, EL and OD are excellent as they have been in this business for a long time and have already reached a position where they don’t need any more major changes.
After you create a profile, open GAF home page and scroll down, until you see a heading Similar to this “The 50 Newest projects”.
Here you will see a list of newest opened projects.
Recommendation: if you are not a programmer or expert in any field then you should do data entry or may be copywriting jobs. For copywriting jobs, you will need to write content in English language [in some cases, you can get projects where content is needed in a different language]. This content needs to have no or very few grammatical mistakes and absolutely no spelling errors.
Look for jobs under the “The 50 Newest projects” section. Open the project that you think you are capable of doing.
Now click on “Place a Bid” icon and then enter the lowest amount of [available] money in the bid. [Every project has its own Budget Range: so the Minimum Amount of money that one can place in his Bid will depend on this Budget Range: The lowest available Minimum Bid Amount is $30 at GAF]
After you place your bid go back to the project description page and look for a small icon called PM or Inbox [at GAF label of this icon has been changed from PM to Inbox. Also, we can now send a Private Message to the buyer on the same page where we can place our bid.].
Remember: Sending PM is the key factor in winning a project.
Send a message to the creator of the project and tell him that you are new but you can do an excellent job and that you will do it for the lowest price that he wants to pay for his project.
ALWAYS, remember to send a PM to the creator of the project, after you place your bid.
[People who outsource jobs at GAF are called buyers]
After you send the PM, wait for buyer's response. If you get a reply, that will be your first success : )
After getting a reply from a buyer, open the PM to see what buyer replied and act accordingly.
Few things to Remember:
First of all: you can place bids on 30 projects/month at GAF. In contrast to the other website [SL] where you can place bids on as many projects as you want to.
At GAF, if you become a GM [gold member], you can then place bids on 160+ projects.
Here are few advantages of gold membership.
Note: GAF has also changed the rules for Gold Members: Now they too have to pay a certain amount of Fee for every project they win. However, this fee will be less then the fee which non-gold members will pay]. For example: if you win a project worth $100 and you are a GM, then you will get $97 after you complete the project.
But if you are not a GM, then you will have to pay 10% of total project budget to GAF.
What? I have to pay any FEE? Isn't this a Free to Join Opportunity?
Do not worry: it is 100% free to join these sites: You do not have to pay anything from your pocket. After you will complete a job at any freelance site, buyer will pay you the agreed amount of money. You will get this money in your Freelancing account.
The fee will then be deducted from your account.
See? You did not pay any fee from your pocket. You only got little less money for the work you did. It’s like a commission that freelance sites take from all members.
What is the cost of upgrading to gold membership?
It costs $19.95 per month. NOTE: Lot of users now prefer to NOT upgrade to GM. This is because accordingly to the new rules, all users have to pay a fee. Old users have a Big Quota of Bids: so they don’t need to upgrade to gold membership anymore.
Few Important Tips
At GAF, don’t click on “Message Board” to communicate with buyers. You have to find the PM or Inbox icon, look for it below or in-front of buyer's username. When you post a message in the Message Board the creator of the project will not get a notification via Email. Lot of Buyers never check the MB: but if you send a PM, then buyer will receive an alert via Email.
Don’t open any other page at GAF (other than the home page) to see the latest data entry, copywriting etc jobs. This is because it’s really hard to win old projects and on the home page, you will only see new ones.
Keep the home page opened and scroll down to the “The 50 Newest Projects” section and keep refreshing at this position: Try to be the first one to catch the newly posted projects.
The only hope for new comers to get a job is to catch the newly posted projects. If you are the first person to place a bid on a project, then the chances of winning this project increases significantly.
Before ending this guide, let’s talk about SL briefly.
At SL, if you win a project worth $100, you then get $95 in your account: because the site charges a fee of 5%. It’s a fair deal. There is no gold membership at SL. You can bid on as many projects as you want to. And there is no PM icon at SL.
In order to communicate with buyer you will have to click on “Message Board” and then you will click on "Post Message".
All other things are the same as GAF.
Be Safe And Follow The Rules
Remember to NEVER send any contact information to buyers. Contact information includes email, phone number etc.
In case you send any contact information then your online freelance career will be over for sure.
All freelance sites will terminate/suspend our account if they find any contact info in your proposal or messages.
Difference Between Copywriting and Data Entry Jobs
If you can write proper English [English without spelling and grammatical mistakes], then you should do copywriting work. And in case your English writing skills are not very impressive, then you can choose to do data entry.
Remember: there is a big difference between copywriting and data entry. Copywriting jobs pay much more than what data entry pays.
However, if you currently cannot write proper English and still want to do writing work, then you should first try to improve your English writing skills. You can find lot of Online English Learning Courses for Free.
Some Final Words
This opportunity enables you to earn legit money online without worrying about scams. Free online jobs means that you will never invest any money from your pocket. This means that you simply cannot lose any money. So you should never worry about scams while working at these sites.
Best Of Luck
A special Thanks to freelancing sites: these sites have enabled us to make a decent living online while we can stay at our home.
Explore if you want to know more about freelancing sites.
Still need help?
Feel free to ask any question in our freelance forum.

37 Responses to "Earn Money Online doing Free Online Jobs like Data Entry, Copywriting"

  1. Amar:
    Sir, please help me.
    I tried for 20 days, and still I havnt got a single project, what should I do?
    I really need money, please help.
    I will be waiting for your reply thank you
    I understand your problem. It’s really hard to get your first project. But you have to wait and spend as much time, at these sites, as you can. Always try to communicate with Employers and always bid for the lowest amount.
    You should write something like this in PM "What is the minimum amount that you are willing to pay for this project? Whatever it is, I am willing to do the whole project for that amount and I will do an excellent work".
    Always look for the newest opened projects, and when you see one, bid at once.
    If possible, send few samples of your previous work to the buyer.
  2. nancy
    hello there
    my name is nancy patterson and I live in newyork. I have one question.
    What is keyword density? and keyword article writing.
    KEYWORD Density= Number of time a word appears in the article.
    For example: if you write a article about data entry, then for how many times should data entry appear in the article. There are free online tools to check keyword density.
    keyword article = writing an article for a specific topic. For example, If some one ask you to write article on "Computers", then just write a simple grammar errors free article.
    If you are given an keyword, u will need to write an article on that keyword, and also use this keyword in your article few times or use according to the requirements.
  3. Rizwan
    I live in pakistan and I am looking to do Work at Home so I think working at freelancing sites is my best option.
    I just wanted to ask one thing, which site from the above 2 should I choose?
    I only want to work at one site so which one is better. I want to concentrate on one site thanks : )
    All sites are good. You can choose any. Elance is the best of all.
    You can consider joining both EL and OD and then try to win a project at any one of them, you then continue working at that site.
  4. Maria
    What kind of Job can we do at these sites.
    My name is maria and I am 22, I have done Bachelors in computer engineering.
    What kind of free online job do you suggest for me? I tried to find some engineering jobs but I think there are not much of them. and the jobs that are engineering based, they are very difficult because there are variety of subjects in engineering.
    SO please help and suggest any Job for me.
    In my opinion you should not look for any hardware projects as they can't be done remotely (in most cases). People have to deleiver all the hardware for such projects making it impossible for many people.
    Anyway, you can do data entry jobs at these sites,
    You can also do copywriting jobs, for which you will earn very good money.
    Data entry includes easy things like typing, online form filling, etc jobs.
    Contact me again if you still need more help.
  5. TOM
    Hello there and thank you for helping other people : )
    I have some questions which I want to ask regarding freelance sites.
    I am a programmer and I can build software and website using different languages like PHP, ASP, and Flash. I also am expert in SQL and MYSQL databases. So, are these sites the correct place for me to do work online and earn money online ?
    Will I find some decent paying onlinejobs at these 2 freelancing sites?
    I have build hundreds of websites for many clients. I run a small software house in my town and I am earning quite good money but its not enough and I want to do work at freelance sites too. I found this page on a search engine and I am quite happy that I found it actually : )
    But I think the only problem with me is that I am a little scared about the fact that all the work involve dealing with remote people, or like communicating with virtual people on the net : )
    So, is it safe to do work at these sites? Am I going to be paid?
    Of course, I am not saying that these sites are a scam, but I just wanted to know how much risk is involved in doing projects at these two freelancing websites.
    Thank you again for your great help; I will wait for your reply.
    You used "?" many times in your post : ) but what I think the real question is that: how safe it is to do work at these sites and what is the percentage of risk involved, Right?
    Well Tom, one thing is for sure, working at these freelancing sites is 100 percent SCAM free. People are making hundreds of dollars via working at Elance and other sites. Its 100 free to join these sites right?
    So is there any point of SCAM involved when these sites don't charge a single cent to start earning money? Actually, scriptlance will give you $1, when you signup : )
    Never worry about a SCAM, because you will never pay a single cent from your pocket. All you need to do is, invest your time. Working at these sites is 100% FREE.
    Just do a small job worth $30. Then request a withdrawal, after you receiving your money, you will be satisfied regarding the SCAM fear, and then start doing work at these sites with no fear : )
    You will make money online without investing any cash EVER.
    Now, here is a very important point that I think I missed in the above Guide.
    There are good people and bad people in this world. So some times, you encounter some really bad people.
    Here is what BAD thing can happen to anyone at a freelance site.
    When you win any project the buyer, will give you all the details about the job. After that you start and finish the work. You then send the completed work to the buyer. The buyer then check the work and after that he will pay you [in case you did the work correctly] (hope fully you will).
    WAIT, where is the bad thing involved that I was talking about? Well in the last part where you deliver the work, what if you did a excellent and accurate work but the buyer dont pay you? What will you do?
    You will contact the freelance site support for help. This will enter your project in Arbitration. If you have made any mistakes in doing the job then you may not get paid : ( But if you have done a correct job then freelance support will give you the money.
    ALWAYS remember to ask the buyer to escrow the funds. What is Escrow?
    Well ESCROW, means that the buyer put the money that he has to pay you in the Freelancing site's account. This money will be safe.
    You can earn money without getting scammed if you use Escrow.
    And if you don't have any ratings, then I suggest you first build some reputation before demanding Escrow.
    Escrow is a safe way to make sure you will be paid.
    Also, Tom, you can find many projects like, website development, PHP and MYSQL work, etc at these sites.
  6. Saman
    Hi….. Can I do typing Jobs at these sites? If yes then how much will I be paid for such work? Thanks
    Yes, you can do typing Jobs at these sites. You just need a computer and an internet connection and thats it.
    BUT how much will you earn? it all depends on yourself. What is your typing speed and for how much time, can you do such work?
    It all depends on you, the more work you do, the more you will earn. But I will give you some idea. When I started working at these sites, I first did $1 per hour job, only to earn a feedback (review). Then gradually, rates increased.
    You can normally find work for $5 to $10 per hour but sometimes you just hit Jackpot. There was a project, where the buyer wanted me to just copy 10 already written articles from his one site and remove some word from them and then I had to paste them to 10 different files with .xasp extension.
    He could do it himself, but the only thing that he didnt know was a little bit of Programming. I did this work in about 20 minutes and I earned $110… Isnt it just great :)?
    Best of Luck to all people.
  7. Adnan
    My name is adnan.
    I am doing a Full time work at a mobile company in pakistan. I want to make money online other than my salary.
    I have experience in data processing work, accounting work, and also data entry work too.
    So, sir, do you think I should try my luck at above mentioned freelancing sites?
    Thank You in advance:)
    Yes, I think working at EL or/and OD is the best part time work option, especially for you.
    You said that you work at a mobile company right, So I am sure that you have internet available while you are working in your office right? and some times, you are free and there is no office work to do, right?
    You can utilize your time by doing jobs online and you will earn some decent part time money too.
    Thank You
  8. Shoaib Khan Jadoon
    Please, I need help regarding freelance sites. can u please contact me at shoabib_adr @ yahoo . com
  9. Sohail
    Helooo, I have a question. I am doing data entry jobs at GAF and I have completed 1 project too. the buyer has paid me but the problem is that, I haven't got any feedback yet.
    I do have received an email from GAF in which it was written that the buyer gave me an feedback but where is it ? I can't see it anywhere and I am waiting before I too give the buyer a rating. I just want to see what feedback did the buyer gave me.
    In order to see what rating/feedback you got, you will first have to give a rating to the buyer too. Only after both parties give each other a rating, the ratings will then be visible.
  10. Shoaib Khan Jadoon
    I just have a question.
    I have won a data entry project, but as you said, we should use the escrow system to be on the safer side but how can I know whether the buyer escrowed $300 or not?
    So you won a $300 project? Great, not many people win such big project. I won my first project worth $30 : )
    Anyway, always remember to ask the buyer about escrowing the funds before you actually accept the project.
    When the buyer escrow funds, First of all, you will receive an email telling you that you just got an escrow. Also, you can go to "Manage Accounts" then click on "Payment" here you will see if there is any escrow for you or not.
    One more thing, if you don't have any ratings, then I suggest you only request the buyer if he/she can put the funds in escrow, but if he/she don't want to use escrow, then tell the buyer that its ok and that you will work without Escrow.
    Many buyers don't trust new people.
    Best of luck
  11. Evalyn Walker
    Thanks for all this valuable information.
    I have been searching for over 10 mths for valid work from home opportunities. This is my first sign of success.
    Once I win a bid I'll let you know : )
    Thanks heaps
    For "Evalyn Walker"
    You are most welcome : )
    If you face any problems at the above mentioned freelancing sites, then feel free to tell me about it and I will immediately help you solve that problem.
  12. ook
    I found this discussion very useful..thank you
  13. dravid
    Sir, I want to ask a question. I did every thing that is written in your guide and I won a project worth $50 and I got a excellent (10 out of 10) feedback too. Then I became a gold member. $38 were left in my account.
    I requested a withdrawal of $38 because I just wanted to see how much time it takes for the money to reach my bank account through moneybookers.
    Now the problem is that GAF said that before they send me the money, they are going to do some investigation. I am very much worried about this, what is this investigation and for how long?
    I am a gold member now but I want to wait and see what is the result of this investigation before I continue to do more work at GAF, my gold membership, I think will be wasted.
    Please help..
    My first withdrawal was of $800+. I had friends working at GAF, so I knew that I will be paid. But when I found that there will be an investigation, I was so much worried because I had more than 8 hundred dollars in my account.
    Now, first of all, I want to tell you one important thing. They delay your first withdrawal only, GAF delay processing the request for no more than 15 days. After the first withdrawal, there will be no such delay in the future.
    Secondly, in this delay, GAF only checks that how you got all the money. As I said before in one of my posts, NEVER post your contact information in PM. Never work for any person outside GAF, never work without (you can do sample work) winning a project.
    For example:
    You have $100 in your account. GAF will check that how you got it. After viewing you account, if GAF finds out that you have never won a single project. So then how did you got this money?
    This is what GAF is worried about. And it is because, when you win a project, you give a small fee (if you are not a gold member) %10 to GAF. So you cant earn money without giving the fee or in case you are a gold member, then they don't care about how much money you have and how many projects have you won as GMs do not pay this 10% fee. [Update: GMs now also have to pay a small fee]
    Finally, I was a gold member at the time of my first withdrawal. And I decided to wait for 15 days before I can continue doing more work. Surprisingly, they transferred my money via money bookers in just 3 days instead of 15.
    I suggest you don't worry about this investigation as now you know what kind of investigation they do and you can continue to do more work.
    One last thing, they process withdrawal requests twice (Monday and Tuesday) a week. In case you want a withdrawal then make sure you request before Sunday, so that they process your request in up coming week.
  14. john
    thanks for all info
  15. Sheena
    Good day sir!
    I am Sheena, an 18 year old 3rd year nursing student, from the Philippines who wants to earn money online. I am not really good in computer programming such as creating websites and the like. But I am a good encoder and researcher. I am also into journalism.
    I can be a good photojournalist at the same time. Is there any online job available for me?
    Please help me. Thank you very much!
    Copywriting jobs include News Article writing, Press Releases etc. I think this is best work that you can do.
    Please search and you will find many copywriting projects where you need to write News related stuff.
    Copywriting work does not need any specific qualification like the programming jobs requires, so every person can do it. All you need is to write grammar error free English and that's all.
    Also, if you are good in internet searching, then also try data entry. I prefer copywriting because they pay much better than data entry jobs.
    You just need to write articles, very simple, you will be given some kind of topic like "Cooking" and you then write for example a 500 words article (Write some general information about the topic).
    If you find a topic difficult to write then just search the internet to find some material and information about the topic and then write a Unique and Useful article but remember, never copy anything from the internet in your articles, you need to write 100% Fresh/Useful content.
    I will write more regarding how to do copywriting jobs in good detail, in another post.
    You can find work in these categories (Market Research, Data Entry, Translation, Audio Services, and Proofreading)
    Everyone can do these projects as they require no specific qualification or experience.
    You also have an advantage. There are many article writing jobs related to Health care etc and News related too, and buyers prefer to give such projects to someone who has some kind of experience in these fields which you have. So, if you see such projects, remember to mention your experience in PM to the buyers.
    I hope this will help but incase you still have any problems then feel free to write here again.
    Thank You
  16. linda
    hi sir,
    there is a website xxxxx
    and im interested to do the data entry… but i still not sure whether is a scam or not because i have to pay money for $49.99 before i start my job.
    i hope you can give me some advice about this… thanks so much
    I always suggest people to start work at Freelancing sites as its 100% free to do work there.
    There are scams out there. Few sites are legit too. If a site require a fee first, then I suggest you don't do it,
    Before you give the fee, they tell you all the good things like, you will be earning thousands of dollars, but after you give the fee (in case its a scam), they never reply back and you don't earn any money; because all they want is the fee.
    Where at freelancing sites, its free to join.
    I suggest you try working at freelancing sites, and try to do copywriting jobs or data entry jobs.
  17. Rhonda
    Thank you so much for writing this website! I'm a mother of a 3 year old and has spent over 3 years looking for a legitimate work at home job.
    I live in Hong Kong, where telecommute is not so popular, it is very hard to make money online from home unless you have your own business.
    I have one question regarding withdrawing payment form GAF. Is it cheaper to use PayPal or moneybookers? Which payment processor is faster in transfering funds to my bank account and which one charges lower fees?
    For both, PayPal and Moneybookers, the withdrawal fee is low. If you use money bookers, u can transfer money straight into the bank account for only $3.25.
    Which means, even if you want a withdrawal of $10000, you only pay about $3.25 (freelance site may charge $0.75 to transfer money into your MB(Moneybookers) account, and then MB will charge about $2.5 to transfer it to the bank account).
    PayPal fee is about the same.
    Both payment processors are good. You can choose to use any of them. However, Paypal is like a universal payment processor that is used by many websites. Where moneybookers is not as popular as paypal.
  18. amresh
    i am a freelancer working in GAC, GAF,scriptlance, i work in flash,
    i have good reviews in scriptlance but i only one review in GAF, i really find tough to get jobs in GAF.
    How ever i find easy to get projects in GAC then GAF but GAC rules are strict so i am really scared to work there,
    i would like to earn handsome amount of money doing free online jobs at GAF can you kindly suggest me how i should approach for to the buyers so that they show some interest , i dont get much PMs reply either.
    anythin_whatever @ yahoo . com
    Thank You
    Yes, its hard to find work at GAF, but once you learn few basic things, you then get work regularly. First of all, you have 1 review at GAF right, so dont bid with high rates, do work for lower rates.
    Secondly, in PM, write some thing like this, "Please tell me, how much you want to pay for this project happily or tell me, what minimum amount you will like to pay for the whole project no matter how much you want to pay, I will do this project for that amount and I will do an excellent work etc"
    You will get many replies.
    I suggest you consider to join Elance.
  19. I am disabling Comments on this page. If you have any questions, then feel free to ask them in this forum:
    Freelance Forum

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