Friday, 13 May 2011

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Theme study (One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest, Brave New World, Fahrenheit 451 and Bless the Beasts and Children) the study of individuality vs. conformity


Art Essays > Film & TV Studies > Genre Study

My investigation examined the theme of individuality vs. conformity. The texts I have chosen gave an effective portrayal of this. The texts I selected included 'One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest' by Ken Kesey, 'Bless the Beasts and Children' by Glendon Swarthout, 'Fahrenheit 451'by Ray Bradbury and 'Brave New World' a novel by Aldous Huxley. Each of these texts expressed the theme of individuality vs. conformity in a different way depending on the setting and the main character, but for each character the consequences of asserting his individuality was tragic. How did the social setting demand conformity from the characters and why does the main character not conform?       � ...  
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... the idea of burning a precious tool that gives sense to life, led to him losing everything he had. Although he was not destroyed he lost his wife, home, job and identity. He escaped across the river and joined a group of penniless intellectuals but faced a very uncertain future. The same idea of losing identity and sacrifice was evident in 'Brave New World', where an outsider was forced to conform but couldn't. Savage failed to comply because of his upbringing and punished himself for the outlook of life in 'Brave New World' that was influencing him against the values he was taught. His failure to conform meant humiliation and the feeling of not knowing  
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